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Board of Health Minutes January 5, 2011
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s
Wednesday, January 5, 2010
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:   Katie Carroll, Jan Buhrman

Absent:  Mike Renahan

Also Present:    Marina Lent (Administrator, BOH), Kent Healy

Minutes of December 1, 2010 approved as amended. Minutes of December 15 amended.

Keene, (27.1-106) The Board approved a sewage treatment and disposal system construction permit application submitted by Kent Healy and discussed by the Board at its meeting of December 15th, whereby the two Keene shacks will be tied to a leaching system on the adjacent property, 27.1-107.  The Certificate of Compliance will not be released for this system until an easement has been recorded for system maintenance and repair.

Poole, 10 Basin Road (27.1-109): A sewage treatment and disposal system construction permit application was submitted by Kent Healy requesting two variances to BOH regulations. The Board determined that a public hearing will be required, and tentatively set the date for the Board’s next meeting, January 19th, pending confirmation by Kent Healy that notification to abutters can be sent out within this timeframe.

O’Gorman, 33R North Road (3-6), Marina Lent reported on a citizen complaint received last week of no hot water > 1 month at the rental property at 33R North Road.  Lili Walters stated hot water had stopped working a little over a month ago.  She had contacted the propane company at that time to assess the situation.  The propane company reported that, although the hot water heater is an ancient model for which spare parts are no longer available, it appears to be in working order, and suggested calling a plumber, as the loss of hot water is probably a “plumbing problem”.

At this point, the renter contacted the landlord, who lives in Florida.  The landlord’s son, who occupies the main house at 33 North Road, looked at the hot water heater but was unable to fix the problem.  After that, not only was the water not hot, it was no longer flowing when the hot water tap was opened. According to the renter, the landlord said a plumber would be called, but none showed up. The tenant was in the process of moving out when the complaint was received.

The Board instructed Marina Lent to write a letter to the landlords, informing them that reliable hot water service to the property would have to be restored before the dwelling could be occupied or any future lease agreement entered into.

Chilmark School Septic System:  Marina Lent reported to the Board on a maintenance operation to un-clog a filter at the outlet of the septic tank.  Annual filter-cleaning has now been scheduled through the school’s plumber, Alan Fortes.  In addition, the total volume of water disposed through the septic system by the school was found to be well within capacity of the system.

Mosquito Testing on Martha’s Vineyard: Jan Buhrman reported to the Board on her inquiries regarding State policy and procedures in the event of a positive finding of West Nile Virus (WNV) or Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).  She noted that the decision to aerial spraying rests with the State, and that the local Board of Health does not have any say on whether spraying will be undertaken or not.  In general, the State will take a more aggressive approach with positive EEE findings than with WNV.  The Board felt that aerial spraying would be vehemently opposed by the population of Chilmark, and the Board feels that concerns over the negative effects on agriculture, human health and the environment in connection with aerial adulticide spraying are warranted.

The Board expressed concern about the possible consequences of initiating a mosquito testing program on Martha’s Vineyard, as proposed by the Dukes County Commission.  The Board takes the position that it can be assumed that mosquitoes will carry these diseases, and that therefore, a precautionary approach on the part of the citizenry is warranted.  The Board will intensify public education efforts on this issue.

Jan Buhrman asked Marina Lent to include a paragraph on mosquito precautions in the town’s annual report of 2010, and to write a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating the position of the Board of Health on the question of mosquito-borne diseases.  The Board also asked Marina Lent to invite County Manager Russell Smith to the next meeting of the Board to discuss the County’s planned mosquito testing program.

February meeting of the Board  The Board noted that it will not be possible to achieve a quorum at the scheduled meeting of February 2nd.  Marina Lent will consult with Mike Renahan about his availability and post the rescheduling of the meeting to February 9, 2011.  Katie Carroll is due to present the BOH FY’12 budget to the Chilmark Finance and Advisory Committee on February 9th.

Shae, 11 Hammet Lane (8-43) FAST Field inspection and service report received—appears in order

Bacon, 8 Middle Coomb, (16-10) as-built received, certificate of compliance issued

Eddy, 14 Wells Way (25-7.6) as-built received, certificate of compliance issued

Hancock, 45 Blue Barque Road (17-53) Title 5 inspection report – passes

Norton, 40 Blueberry Ridge Lane (8-66)  Title 5 inspection report – passes

Chilmark Store, 7 State Road (30-85) Clivus maintenance report received – notes excellent maintenance of system

Bramhall, 215 North Road (8-49.1)  Clivus maintenance report received

Abrams, 32 Wintergreen Way (18-23) Clivus maintenance report received

Judelson, 15 Cove Road (27.1-206) Clivus maintenance report received

Hauler’s Permit issued to:
  • Araujo Bros.
  • Acme Excavation (Nick Peters)
Installer’s Permit issued to:
  • Fenner Construction LLC,
  • White/Lynch Corp.,  
  • CC Construction, Inc.
  • All-Phaze Excavation, (Gabriel S. Bradley)
  • John Keene Excavation

Temporary Food Permit issued to:
  • MVFF/Slow Foods (Jan Buhrman)
Invoices:  The following invoices were approved for payment:

  • Wampanoag Environmental Laboratory PWS#4062006 water testing $55
  • MVRD  Q4 Inspection 50%  $221.76
  • MVRD water testing 50% and gas test Q4 50%   $2,000.82
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.

_______________________              _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.